Environmental Stewardship

Environmental Stewardship Partnership Development is an easy and cost effective way for an agribusiness company or grower to promote environmental stewardship is to support existing groups who work to improve the environment in the areas where crop production occurs.

Agrocruz identifies and acts as a liaison between our customers to establish and document their support regional conservation programs.  Nominal financial support for, Wetlands Conservation Programs, Groundwater Recharge Programs, Water Quality initiatives, Beneficial species habitat conservation, and other local/regional programs not only can benefits the overall growing conditions on our customers’ production acreage.

In addition to improving agrobiodiversity and crop health, these programs can pay for themselves through tax savings.  Support for most groups of this type can constitute a tax write off.  Commodity consumer loyalty and support can also be generate by promoting the fact that a grower supports these types of programs within the consumers communities.