Input and Energy Conservation

Increased input usage efficiency, environmental stewardship and reduced carbon footprint are fundamental aspects of overall input resource conservation.  There are many steps which can be taken and programs developed to provide for better environmental stewardship and the reduction of an agribusiness operation’s overall carbon footprint.At Agrocruz, we strongly believe that the best approach to a complete environmental stewardship program develops within many aspects of a  companies practices.  This includes paper, waste and packaging reduction improvements, reuse of materials, and recycling, and also exploring other viable alternatives to existing practices which drive carbon based operational consumption.  Audits and observations are made to determine where programs can be established in this regard and a measured implementation plan is then provided to roll out improvements in phases.

Implementation in phases provides for  measurement of plan components’ improvements as well as prevents the possibility of a program component not being the right fit for our customers operational or economic goals.  Often, adjustments in this area can also provide for reduced costs to the grower as well as possibly generate funds through various rebate and tax write-off programs.

We work with our customers accounting and tax personnel to identify government programs and assist in the documentation development which is required to enjoy the tax incentives available which provide incentives to businesses to pursue conservation.